Jaachi Pramso Midwifery Training School 2022/2023 Entry Requirements

By | April 30, 2022
Is Nursing Training Forms Out In Ghana For 2021?

  Jaachi Pramso Midwifery Training School 2020/2022 Entry Requirements, applications will be invited from qualified candidates for entry into any of the Health Training Institutions in Ghana from February 2020


Jaachi Pramso Midwifery Training School 2020/2022 Entry Requirements

Auxiliary Programmes

  1. Community Health Nursing (CHN)
  2. Health Assistant Clinical (HAC)


Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateA cutoff aggregate score of Forty EightA cutoff aggregate score of Thirty
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising(30) or better in six subjects,
3 core and 3 electivecomprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three coreAT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three core
i.e. English, Mathematics andi.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in threeAT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
GradesElective subjectsElective subjects

Diploma Nursing programmes offered in Health Training Institutions are as follows:

  1. Registered General Nursing
  2. Registered Mental Nursing
  3. Registered Midwifery (Females only)
  4. Registered Community Health Nursing



Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateAn aggregate score of thirty (30) or betterAn aggregate score of Twenty-Four
in six subjects, comprising 3 cores and 3 electives(24) or better in six subjects,
comprising 3 cores and 3 electives
Core Subjects and MinimumCredits (A1  C6) in three Core Subjects i.e.Credits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
GradesEnglish, Mathematics and Integratedi.e. English, Mathematics and
Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumCredits (A1  C6) in three Elective Subjects.Credits (A  D) in three Electives

Post Basic Programmes (BSc)

RELATED:  Is Nursing Training Forms Out In Ghana For 2022?

Requirements for qualification to post basic nursing and midwifery programmes vary according to the programme of study.

Programme specific requirements are given in Table 7 below.

Age: Not more than 50 years, Subject to medical fitness

Programme Specific Requirements for Post Basic programmes

Peri-Operative Nursinga.Mandatory one yearRGN
Critical Care Nursingrotation/internship/national serviceRMN
ENT Nursingb.   Three years’ experience in a relevantRM
OphthalmicBasic area OR two years’ workRCN
experience upon a request from a
(BSc)facility after internship.
Public Health Nursinga.Mandatory one yearRGN
rotation/internship/national serviceRMN
b.   Three years’ experience in a relevantRM
(BSc)Basic area OR two years’ workRCN
experience upon a request from a
facility after internship.
Post Basic Midwiferya.   At least three (3) years’ experience in aCommunity Health Nurse
relevant Auxiliary area.Health Assistant Clinical
Anesthesiology (BSc)a.   At least one yearGeneral Nurse
rotation/internship/national serviceMental Nurse
b.   Two years’ experience in a relevantMidwife
Basic area OR one-year workRegistered Community Health Nurse
experience upon a request from a facility after internship.
BSc Environmental Healtha.   Products from Accra School ofd.Possess Diploma in
Hygiene.Environmental Health from
b.   Foreigners with HND DiplomaKNUST, Kumasi
c.   WASSCE students with Puree.Possess WAHEB/GHAHEB
Science (Physics, Chemistry,Pure Science WASSCE



 Certificate Programmes

  1. Environmental Health (HO AND TAMALE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE)

 Requirements for Certificate Programmes

Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateA cut off aggregate score of Forty-EightA cutoff aggregate score of Thirty-Six
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising(36) or better in six subjects,
3 cores and 3 electivescomprising 3 cores and 3 electives
Core Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three coresAT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three cores
i.e. English, Mathematics andi.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in threeAT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
GradesElective subjectsElective subjects

Diploma Programmes

  1. Environmental Health (Diploma)
  2. Technical Officer (Dental Technology)
  3. Occupational Therapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Community Nutrition
  6. Health Informatics
  7. Prosthesis and Orthotic Technology
  8. Optical Technology
RELATED:  10 Tips To Help You Gain Admission Into Nursing Training College In Ghana

SDA Nurses Training College 2020/2022 admission Requirements

Requirements for Diploma Programmes

Age18 – 35years
Overall AggregateAn aggregate score of thirty-Six (36)An aggregate score of Twenty-Four
or better in six subjects, comprising 3(24) or better in six subjects,
core and 3 electivescomprising 3 cores and 3 electives
Core Subjects and Minimum GradesCredits (A1  C6) in three CoreCredits (A– D) in three Core Subjects
Subjects i.e. English, Mathematicsi.e. English, Mathematics and

Zuarungu Nursing Training College 2020/2022 Admission Requirements

and Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and Minimum GradesCredits (A1  C6) in three ElectiveCredits (A  D) in three Electives

Jaachi Pramso Midwifery Training School 2020/2022 Entry Requirements

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