Brown Gold Cocoa Powder is a brand of cocoa produced by Ghanaian manufacturer Hords Limited. Hords markets Brown Gold as part of a range of products derived from Ghana’s agricultural products. One of the most prominent cocoa brands in West Africa, Brown Gold is becoming more and more visible in Europe and the US Hords promotes Brown Gold based on its health benefits, and there is some scientific evidence to suggest that cocoa can be a very healthy drink.
A 2009 study published in the journal “Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine” suggested that high levels of polyphenols in cocoa could contribute to improved heart health. A study carried out by Cornell University identified cocoa as a healthier method of obtaining these health benefits than chocolate because of the higher fat content of solid chocolate.
Cocoa powder is rich in theobromine, which helps to reduce inflammation and can protect you from diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Since cocoa is rich in phytonutrients but low in fat and sugar, the calories you get from cocoa powder will be packed with healthy chemicals.
Health benefits of cocoa include decreased inflammation, improved heart and brain health, blood sugar and weight control and healthy teeth and skin but Eating large amounts might cause caffeine-related side effects such as nervousness, increased urination, sleeplessness, and a fast heartbeat.
Cocoa can cause allergic skin reactions and might also trigger migraine headaches. It can also cause nausea, stomach discomfort, constipation, and gas. Most results support an anti-diabetic effect of cocoa flavonoids by enhancing insulin secretion, improving insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues, exerting a lipid-lowering effect and preventing the oxidative and inflammatory damages associated to the disease and Consuming 50 g of cocoa daily will lower blood pressure 2 to 3 mm Hg on average in adults with hypertension.
Brown Gold Cocoa Powder Price In Ghana
Brown Gold Cocoa Powder cost GHS33.00 in Ghana